Make sense
Steep is a modern analytics platform powered by metrics that changes how companies use data together.
Steep app for desktop and mobile
Loved by teams at
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Learn about Steep and how it can change the way your organization works with data.

Steep + dbt
Join the semantic movement
Steep supports the latest semantic API:s from dbt and Cube. Keep your metric definitions in one place and version-controlled.
A BI system for the
whole organization
All your metrics in one place with the semantic layer
Learn more →
All your metrics in one place with the semantic layer
Define once, use everywhere
Build a system where all visualizations are powered by centralized definitions. No more repeating yourself.
Build a system where all visualizations are powered by centralized definitions
Create a common language
Document and organize all your metrics. Create one place where everyone can go to explore and consume metrics.
Analytics made for everyone
Analysis made for
Explore metrics directly. Go deeper with multi-layered analysis.
All roles can play
Make it easy for anyone to analyse using metrics - no SQL or training needed. Help any team to answer their own questions.
Make it easy for anyone to analyse using metrics
Easy for everyone.
Deep for experts.
With multi-layered analysis, experts get to insights faster. Combine metrics, drill down and overlay functions.
“Steep has made a big impact at Voi by truly enabling all users to find and analyze data themselves with much lower dependency on data teams.”
Magnus Dahlbäck — Senior Director Data & Platform @ voi
Communicate, collaborate and decide with reports reimagined
Make confident
decisions, together
Communicate, collaborate and decide with reports reimagined
Quickly add any graph or text block.
Produce faster. Iterate faster.
Quickly add any graph or text block. Drag-and-drop to layout. Bring all roles together in the same document.
Consistent numbers.
Engage everyone
Create anything from ad-hoc insights to polished management decks. Share and discuss findings to drive informed decisions.
“I'm super excited about Steep and the approach to making analytics available across organisations in a very neat, curated and easy-to-use way.”
Johan Thoresson, Head of Product Analytics @ Stravito
Everything you need
in one tool
Powerful mobile app
All the features of the desktop app in your pocket
Powerful mobile app
Roles & control
User roles, private metrics, resource-level sharing
Share & export
Share charts and deep links, export data to sheets
Define metrics in your dbt project and connect to Steep.
Team spaces
Create a space for each team and organize content.
Define joins as a basis for metrics
Custom SQL
Custom calculations for bespoke metrics
Line, bar, rank, combos, targets,
big number, widgets
Steep + dbt
Join the semantic
Steep supports the latest semantic API:s from dbt and Cube.
Keep your metric definitions in one place and version-controlled.
Get started for free
Play around with it first.
Pay and add your team later.
© Steep Analytics
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